Riverside Studios

101 Queen Caroline St,


London W6 9BN

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Dir: Marta Minorowicz
Cast: Agata Buzek, Marcin Czarnik, Małgorzata Hajewska-Krzysztofik, Sandra Drzymalska, Karol Bernacki
Screening 1: 24 Mar, 20:30
Riverside Studios
Year of Production: 2022
Country: Poland

Shot across the Tri-City on Poland’s Baltic coast Marta Minorowicz’s enigmatic fiction debut draws on years of research and conversations with those who have experienced the disappearance of a loved one. Part detective story, part psychological drama it explores the tensions between a couple (Agata Buzek and Marcin Czarnik - SON OF SAUL, MR JONES) as they face the unexplained absence of their daughter. The police are about to close the file - what alternatives are open to them to find out what has happened? On the bleak snowy shore-line truth and illusion become inextricably intertwined. What is normal is repeatedly blurred and like the protagonists we struggle to understand reality. Admirers of Minorowicz’s festival success ZUD in 2016 will recognise echoes of the sense of natural powers greater than ourselves that pervades the film and the resilience that we draw on to confront them.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Marta Minorowicz.

Riverside Studios

101 Queen Caroline St,


London W6 9BN

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