Riverside Studios

101 Queen Caroline St,


London W6 9BN

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Special Jury Award at Warsaw 2022 & Discovery of the Festival and Best Debut Director at the 47th Gdynia Film Festival
Dir: Beata Dzianowska
Cast: Agnieszka Radzikowska, Michał Żurawski, Pola Król, Grzegorz Przybył
Screening 1: 25 Mar, 20:30
Riverside Studios
Year of Production: 2022
Country: Poland

What would we do in their shoes? The family at the centre of SHREDS wrestles with decisions that few feel equipped to make. When the live-in high flying academic grand-father begins to display unusual behaviour it’s not long before everyone is affected by the fall out. When it becomes extreme there is real cause for anxiety.

With the rhythm of the seasons at its core the film reveals the shifting dynamics of the characters. Veteran Grzegorz Przybył gives an award winning performance as Gerard, subtly showing his own confusion as Alzheimer’s disease takes hold of him. Emerging talent Pola Król is strong as a late teen facing not only the tough current dynamic but also the potential of genetic inheritance.

An established and award winning director of documentaries Beata Dzianowska turns her skills to feature films for the second time with SHREDS. Winning a Special Jury Award at Warsaw 2022 as well as Discovery of the Festival and Best Debut Director at Gdynia her observational eye allows us time to consider the arguments at the centre of the drama and come to our own conclusions.

Riverside Studios

101 Queen Caroline St,


London W6 9BN

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